Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What To Consider When Considering Automated SEO Software

Search engine optimization has been around, well, since the beginning of the internet obviously. From day one we had search engines to go out and crawl the web bringing back the information we were looking for. Lets face it, how else could we sort through the millions of sites out there and find we need? The fancy term for what’s behind all this is algorithms and spiders, but for the sake of simplicity it comes down to “content.” Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all the others crawl the various sites looking for the appropriate content that someone is looking for. The more “content” that someone has out there pertaining to the keywords being searched is the order in which they will appear in the search results. This of course is done through keywords, we enter in the keywords we’re looking for and Google goes out and tries to find the sites that have the most content available for that particular subject, they then position it in order of relevance.

Since we know the goal is to get a lot of good quality content out there using related keywords in order to be on the first or second page of Google, the next step is knowing the best way to do this. When researching the most effective way to get to the top of the search engines you’ll inevitably find thousands of people offering their services and / or software to get the job done. To make matters worse, you will quickly find much information telling you why automated software is not the way to go and that everything should be done “manually." Let me just remove the “controversial” part of this equation and tell you that no one does it manually, it simply doesn’t happen. That SEO company which promises "manual submission" is in fact going to use software to do this, they are just going to pace it out in a manner that looks natural to the search engines. This being said I hope you can see that automated software to get the job done is necessary, it is now a matter of learning which one works best and how to use it properly.

There are many programs that will submit articles, create web 2.0 profiles, perform social bookmarking, etc…however, it is only SenukeX that does it all in one sweet package. This is the most impressive and powerful tool available and by far the most used by the SEO companies, the only difference is they know how to use it to their advantage. Having complete Senuke training is all that stands in the way of anyone successfully ranking their site quickly and that is just the fact of the matter. No other program can compare to what this software does, and when it’s combined with the best Senuke training you can easily accomplish what the top marketing guru’s do every day.

Regardless of your SEO level, you will find the most detailed Senuke tutorial to provide thorough knowledge in a manner you can comprehend. If reading isn’t your thing, check out one of the many Senuke videos or attend a live webinar hosted by the best Senuke training experts. 

Whatever your preference, SenukeX combined with the proper training will have your site dominating in the search results for your desired keywords in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually.

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